Lee Ming Yu: Autobiographical Lisbon


LISBON. A city with histories and memories. Could they become autobiographies? LISBOA, a city filled with symbols, objects and directions. In the pictures there are traffic signs: “STOP”, “→” (right turn), and “Θ” (no passing). They are like scattered clues from a treasure map, suggesting those possible hidden treasures that people left. We follow pictures and photographs of the city. Images are traces that time left on the film strip; hidden signs, on the other hand, are traces that time left in this city, leading us to other people’s life stories. Moreover, there are different directions: a telescope that gazes into unknown distance, a street that leads to somewhere, and moving trains, sailing ships and cars. They are like the beginning of stories, left all over in the city of LISBOA. And the ending, as Godard says, ‘ends as it begins, with images of travel and movement.’